Friday, February 18, 2011

“Voiceless council” 
By Shahid Hussain Shehzada
Since 63 years political encroachment made by federal Government of Pakistan kept in dark the constitutional will of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). Present government at last gave a so called self governance rule 2009 in a view to empower the public representatives within the GB legislative Assembly which is the popular house and has been declared lower house while a separate house has been established for technocrats termed as upper house popularly known as “Gilgit-Baltistan Council”. It is ironically that the respective council is still voiceless and has not been convened its first ever inaugural session so for. Prime minister of Pakistan leads chairman of the council and Governor acts as a vice chairman and other members comprises from federal cabinet and the elected councilors of GB Council.
The duration of last few months when these councilors have been elected on the basis of propositional representation didn’t bother the executive head of the federal govt to call its inaugural secession to discuss the regional problems of Gilgit-Baltistan and also share the political experiences with these new born political babies (Councilors) of GB council. The aim behind this self-governance rule for the people of GB through their elected representatives was to limit the influence of bureaucracy in day to day affairs of the region and empower public representatives to handle the problems and responsibilities by their own political setup. But public at large is worry and doubtful about the bureaucratic influence in executive matters and repeated delay of first ever secession of GB Council, means that freedom of expression is being politicized by the head of the federal government and other influential political figures.
It is worth mentioning that if we carry the same sense of deprivation in federal, provincial and other regional level and continuously delay of inaugural secession of any assembly, what will be the response of media, civil society, judiciary and other social forces. Off course these forces will keep alert and accountable the responsible to ensure at once the public will at constitutional forum through constitutional means. To defend the political will of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan council all these political, social and constitutional forces remained ‘’Voiceless’’ to invoke the federal govt and the govt of GB to convene the forthcoming possible secession of GB council. As claimed in the provision of GB council that the inclusion of federal ministers in the council will educate the councilors to run the administrative machinery and make them able to discharge other constitutional means in the year ahead.
Time never waited for anyone and initiatives are being taken to get benefits from the existing opportunity. The ongoing delay of council’s inaugural secession will keep aloof the public representatives to get political guidelines, constitutional and administrative tactics from the seasonal politicians of federal govt.When and where the inaugural secession of GB council will be held to minimized the political disparities of the people of GB.This is what the public agenda at different public forums for discussions, is now alive in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Prime minister proudly express about the constitutional package of Gilgit-Baltistan at different forums and pointed out that present govt intends to empower all federating units on equal basis by their own due share. But in practice these claims are only political statements and don’t touch the reality to defend his govt stance in public empowerment initiatives so for. How a common man will expect these statements by responsible govt figures in terms of public welfare and political empowerment slogans. To minimize the existing public grievances of Gilgit-Baltistan the prime minister who is the chairman of the new born council must intervene to call the inaugural secession of GB Council. So that these councilors will be able to address public matters and handle the day to day affairs of the region through debates and discussions within the council. The further delay of its inaugural secession means deliberate efforts to keep the council’’ Voiceless’’ by federal govt in the year to come and prolong the influence of bureaucracy in administrative matters. This shows that unitary system is operational here in Gilgit-Baltistan and the fruits of federal system are not tasted by the public representatives of GB till now. So the announcements of prime minister remained media statements and a series of official correspondence .  

The writer is Gilgit based freelance Article Writer.

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